Thursday 6 June 2013

Ahoy there mi' hearties! In Reception this week we have started a new  topic of pirates. We have had an exciting start to the topic; turning our role play area into a pirate ship. We have looked at lots of books and stories about pirates in order to find out about them. Looking closely  at pirates, we labelled the features of pirates including eye patches, wooden legs and a parrot on their shoulder! Some children threaded pasta onto string and paintied it gold to make some necklaces that we could use as treasure. The children have shown a keen interest in the topic and have lots of questions that they would like to find out about the subject.
Also I would like to say a big thank you for completing the children's first homework. These were exceptional and the children all enjoyed sharing what they had done with the class.
Miss G

Thursday 18 April 2013

Kings and Queens

In Reception we have had a great time introducing the topic of Kings and Queens. We have brainstormed what we know already about the topic and what we would like to find out. The children were all interested in Castles and we have started to turn the role play area into our own Castle. We have worked together to create the castle walls, the turret and the throne. We have also been making castles in the creative area and outside area, using the large blocks. It has been great fun making crowns using shiny card and sequins, so that we can all be princes and princesses. The highlight of the week has to be when we recieved a letter from one of the Queen's corgis, who sent us some photos of the Queen and the Palace!

Thursday 21 March 2013

March 2013

Something fishy was going on in Reception this week!
As a class, we made up a story called 'Goldy's Adventure' about the exciting journey of a pet fish. The children had to decide what was going to happen, who the characters were and try to use exciting story language. We then put actions to our story so that we could retell it orally to our friends. Lots of the children did a really good job at remembering it. Next we made story maps, showing the story using pictures and words. Some children even attempted to re-write the whole story! We have really enjoyed working on a story together and look forward to the next one.
This follows on from the work we did last week on the Rainbow Fish, which we are in the process of making a fantastic display of.